It's amazing how much bigger my eyes look when I apply makeup. I want to be one of those women you read about all the time in magazines who are naturally gorgeous and inform the interviewer they are not makeup people and they hardly wear any makeup at all unless they have to because they are going to the Oscars.
The blog, Into the Gloss, for example, is wonderful, but it is full of women like Irina Aleksander, who go on and on about how they aren't into makeup but then they list paragraphs -- paragraphs! -- of product that they like. So funny how we don't want to admit we ARE into makeup, and skincare and hair products.
So back to making your eyes pop. My eyes are my best feature and while they look OK without makeup, they are somewhat small and so they look 5,000 times bigger and better with just the right amount of liner, shadow and mascara. Here are a few of my favorite articles on how to make your own eyes pop:
Ever look at those pictures of celebrities before makeup and after? My favorite celebrity is Gwyneth Paltrow and I was thrilled one day to see her without makeup. Her eyes just disappeared. Yet in photos, she has luminous eyes. So what's the secret?
There are actually several. To get huge eyes try these tricks:
Curl Eyelashes
If you don't have naturally long, perfect eyelashes, curling them before applying This is a link mascara will really open up your eyes. You can actually curl lashes AFTER mascara is applied, as long as your mascara is dried (a good tip to know if you want to curl your lashes later in the day without removing your mascara). I usually blast the eyelash curler for 3 seconds with a hair dryer for extra staying power. Just test the metal to ensure it's not too hot before you clamp down on your upper lash.
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